Can you print black and white Fracture prints?

Black and white prints are just as beautiful as full-color images. Take a look!

You can upload your own black-and-white image and place your order as usual,


If you have a full-colorimage that you would like to convert on our site to a black-and-white print:

  1. Upload your photo as usual, and then click the Edit My Image button at the bottom of the Choose a Size page:

  2. From here, click the Filter tab:
  3. Click the right arrow button until you see the filter titled BW:
  4. Click the BW filter, and you'll see a sliding bar that you can use to adjust the intensity of the filter. Slide it all the way to the right, an intensity of 100, to ensure the image is fully black & white:
  5. Click Save Changes to apply those changes you've made in the editor. Add the print to your cart and proceed with the usual ordering process to complete your order from there!